Tenant Improvement General Contractor Services

Request for Proposals for General Contractor Services for Construction of Retail, Office, and Miscellaneous Public Service Areas

LPC West Transit Management LLC (LPC) is the asset management entity overseeing the new Salesforce Transit Center. LPC has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for GENERAL CONTRACTOR SERVICES (Services) from qualified business entities with expertise in general contracting services for tenant improvements, retail, common area, and service area construction. The scope of work is further described in the RFP attached below.

Proposals must be received by LPC no later than 5:00 pm Pacific Time on Thursday, August 31, 2017.

[Note: This RFP is being issued by LPC, not TJPA. Interested bidders must follow instructions in the RFP for contacting LPC and submitting proposals.]

Download Documents No. of Files: 4
Document (Click to Download) File Size & Type Date Posted
LPC General Contractor Services RFP 816 KB .pdf 8/18/17
Exhibits B & C, Vendor Forms 46 KB .xls 8/18/17
Exhibit D, Cost Breakdown Form 35 KB .xls 8/18/17
Exhibit E, Project Labor Agreement url link 8/18/17
Exhibit F, Relevant Excerpts from Asset Management Agreement 722 KB .pdf 8/18/17
Key RFP Dates
RFP Issued Friday, August 18, 2017
Letter of Intent Due Tuesday, August 22, 2017, 5:00 p.m.
Deadline for Submission of Questions Friday, August 25, 2017, 5:00 p.m.
Proposals Due Thursday, August 31, 2017, 5:00 p.m.
Interviews September 7-8, 2017
Contract Start September 2017