Program Management/Program Controls Services

Request for Proposals for Program Management/Program Controls Services

The Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for PROGRAM MANAGEMENT/PROGRAM CONTROLS SERVICES (PMPC) for the Transbay Transit Center Program (Program) from firms (Respondents) with the expertise in project management and program controls.

The successful candidate (Consultant) will be awarded a contract (Agreement) to support TJPA staff to ensure that all elements of the Transbay Transit Center Program, as generally described and set forth in the Transbay Terminal/Caltrain Downtown Extension/Redevelopment Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (FEIR/EIS) and subsequent addenda are successfully designed and constructed on time and within budget. The TJPA currently has an agreement with URS for these services that will expire June 30, 2014. Under the schedule for this RFP, the selected Consultant would begin work prior to this expiration, to allow for appropriate transition as necessary. The current Consultant is not precluded from responding to this RFP.

The TJPA intends that the Consultant selected pursuant to this RFP process will be the organization and Key Personnel best qualified to successfully perform the work described in the RFP in Section 5, Scope of Services. Moreover, subject to the Consultant’s performance, the need for services and the availability of funding, the TJPA anticipates that the selected Consultant may remain as the TJPA PMPC Consultant throughout the remaining design, bidding, award, construction, and start-up periods of Phase 1 of the Program. Phase 2 work, as allowed by availability of funding, is also contemplated under this RFP.

A Pre-proposal Conference was held on July 18, 2013, at 9:30 am, at the TJPA Office at 201 Mission Street, Suite 2100, San Francisco, CA 94105. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference was optional. Pre-Proposal Presentation | Pre-Proposal Sign-in Sheets

Download Documents (Note: Don’t forget to Register to be alerted when changes and new documents are added)
Document (Click to Download) File Size & Type Date Posted
RFP 13-02 Q and A 26KB .pdf 8/19/2013
RFP 13-02: Program Management/Program Controls Services 497KB .pdf 7/8/2013
Attachment 3: Fee Proposal Form 76KB .doc 7/8/2013
Attachment 5: DBE/SBE Forms 64KB .xls 7/8/2013

The TJPA intends to select one Respondent to enter into negotiations for an agreement to perform the services for a term of two years, with an option to extend for an additional two years.

Key RFP Dates
RFP Issued Monday, July 8, 2013
Pre-proposal Conference Thursday, July 18, 2013, 9:30 am
Deadline for Submission of Questions Friday, August 2, 2013, 2:00 pm
Answers to Written Questions Posted Monday, August 19, 2013 (formerly Friday, August 23, 2013)
Proposals Due Thursday, September 26, 2013, 2:00 pm
Notification of Interviews Monday, October 14, 2013
Interviews Monday, October 28, 2013 (formerly Week of October 21-25, 2013)
Contract Recommended for TJPA Approval Thursday, April 10, 2014