Legal Services

Request for Proposals for Legal Services

The Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) for LEGAL SERVICES (Services) for the Transbay Transit Center Program (Program) from firms (Respondents) with the qualifications and expertise to provide a full range of legal services. The TJPA currently utilizes and anticipates a continuing need for legal services and advice in areas including, but not limited to: general counsel; land use, land acquisition, real estate and development law; labor and employment law, including human resources advice; construction law; public transit/transportation law; environmental law; public contracting law including federal and State of California procurements and compliance; legislative matters; risk management; intellectual property; public and private finance; and litigation services in all these areas, on an if-and-as-needed basis.

The City Attorney of the City and County of San Francisco is an officer of the TJPA and serves as Legal Counsel. In some cases, however, the City Attorney must withdraw from representation due to conflicts involving representation of other City entities, or the TJPA determines that representation by outside counsel is appropriate for specific matters or for issues requiring special expertise. The TJPA reserves the right to assign a legal matter or case to either the City Attorney or to outside counsel, and/or to request that outside counsel and the City Attorney’s office work together on any particular matter.

The TJPA currently has contracts for legal services with Thompson Coburn LLP for advice on federally-related matters, and Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP for retail counsel. These contracts have remaining terms and budgets such that TJPA is not seeking proposals for these specialty areas in response to this RFP.

Download Documents (Note: Don’t forget to Register to be alerted when changes and new documents are added)
Document (Click to Download) File Size & Type Date Posted
RFP 12-02 Q and A 21KB .pdf 5/31/2012
RFP 12-02: Legal Services 317KB .pdf 5/14/2012
Attachment 3: Fee Proposal Form 70KB .doc 5/14/2012
Attachment 5: DBE/SBE Forms 64KB .xls 5/14/2012

The TJPA intends to select one or more Respondents to enter into negotiations for an agreement to perform the services for a term of five years, with an option to extend for an additional three years.

Key RFP Dates
RFP Issued Monday, May 14, 2012
Deadline for Submission of Questions Friday, May 25 2012, 5:00 pm PDT
Responses to Written Questions Posted By Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Proposals Due Friday, June 15, 2012, 3:00 pm PDT
Interviews TBD (but not July 1 – 15, 2012)
Contract Recommended for Award Thursday, August 9, 2012