Cast Steel Nodes Engineering Services

Request for Proposals for Cast Steel Nodes Engineering Services

The Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) for ARCHITECTURALLY EXPOSED STRUCTURAL CAST STEEL NODES ENGINEERING AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES from firms with expertise in civil, structural, and other related professional engineering disciplines specific to architecturally exposed structural cast steel node shop drawing detailing in buildings and transit facilities and their related infrastructure.

The TJPA seeks proposals from qualified firms with expertise in civil, structural, and other related professional engineering disciplines specific to architecturally exposed structural cast steel node shop drawing detailing in buildings and transit facilities and their related infrastructure. The successful Respondent will demonstrate experience in successfully self performing architecturally exposed structural cast steel node shop drawing detailing and quality control services for five or more similar projects.

An optional pre-proposal meeting was held via Webex at 10:00 am Pacific time on Thursday, April 19. Participants needed to email no later than 9:00 am Pacific time on the 19th for the web link and phone number to participate.
Pre-Proposal Presentation

Download Documents (Note: Don’t forget to Register to be alerted when changes and new documents are added)
Document (Click to Download) File Size & Type Date Posted
RFP 12-01 Q & A 19KB .pdf 5/4/2012
RFP 12-01: Architecturally Exposed Structural Cast Steel Nodes Engineering and Administrative Services 4,635KB .pdf 4/17/2012
Attachment 4: Fee Proposal Form 75KB .doc 4/17/2012
Attachment 6: DBE/SBE Forms 64KB .xls 4/17/2012

The TJPA is prepared to select one Respondent to perform the services for a term of four years, with an option to extend for an additional two years.

Key RFP Dates
RFP Issued Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Pre-Proposal Conference Thursday, April 19, 2012, 10:00 am PDT
Deadline for Submission of Questions Tuesday, May 1, 2012, 3:00 pm PDT
Responses to Written Questions Posted By Thursday, May 3, 2012
Proposals Due Monday, May 7, 2012, 3:00 pm PDT
Interviews Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Contract Recommended for Award Thursday, June 14, 2012