Graphic Design Services

Request for Quotes for Graphic Design Services

The Transbay Joint Powers Authority is issuing this Request For Quotes (RFQ) from Graphic Design firms. Services may include, but are not limited to, RFP preparation, map development and updating, advertisement, and all related printing. The TJPA encourages responses from Small and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (SBE/DBEs). Information about the TJPA DBE and SBE Programs, including the SBE certifications accepted by TJPA, is on the TJPA website at > TJPA > Doing Business with the TJPA. To respond to this RFQ, please provide quotes for all of the listed areas in the scope below and return a digital or hard copy of your quote by 3:00 p.m. on July 20, 2012 to:

Edward Phillips (
Transbay Joint Powers Authority
201 Mission Street, Suite 2100
San Francisco, CA 94105

1.0 Proposal Design (up to 50 pages)
Prepare digital design template based on the layout of the Block 6/7 RFP (attached)
Content input into the document, content formatting
Edits to document (up to three rounds of edits)
Preparation of Print-ready artwork
Print Management
Project Management
DeliverablesTo Include
Print-Ready PDF of final document
Native application collected files and artwork

1.1 Printing Estimate (may be procured from another contractor)
15 copies of a 200 page document
DeliverablesTo Include
15 printed and bound copies of the RFP
1.2 Map Development/Updating
Develop digital content as needed (for up to five diagrams/maps listed in the RFP)
Revisions to digital content as needed (up to two rounds)
Project Management
Deliverables To Include
Print-Ready final artwork for inclusion in document

2.0 Postcard/Mailer
Preparation of digital files for a 8 .5 by 6 inch postcard
Edits to digital files as needed/preparation of print-ready artwork (up to two rounds) Print Management
Project Management
Deliverables To Include
Print-ready artwork for postcard
2.1 Printing Estimate (may be procured from another contractor)
5000 copies of postcard using online offset printer
Deliverables To Include
5000 printed postcards

3.0 Advertisement
Develop digital artwork for advertisements ranging in size to fit either one quarter or one eighth of a newspaper page
Edits to digital files as needed (up to two rounds)
Preparation of press-ready artwork for up to four total ads
Deliverables To Include
Press-ready artwork for up to three advertisements

Any questions regarding this RFQ should be addressed to