Site Utility Relocation (Natoma Water/Sewer)

Bid Type: Construction
Bid Number: TG04.4
Bid Title: Natoma & First Streets Demolition, Water & Sewer
Bid Due Date: November 12, 2010 (formerly November 9)
Time Due: 10:00 am
Engineers Estimate: $2.5 million
SBE Requirement: 100%

Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks responses to an Invitation for Bid from Trade Subcontractors for package TG04.4 – Natoma & First Streets Demolition, Water and Sewer – on the Transbay Transit Center project in San Francisco, California. Trade Subcontractors should have significant experience with underground domestic water and underground sewer.

Starting October 13, 2010, Bid Plans and Specifications may be purchased via Ford Graphics PlanWell, (415) 537-2200. Other package documents, including the Project Bidding Manual, are posted below.

A pre-bid conference for Trade Subcontractors interested in submitting bids was held on October 27, 2010. The pre-bid conference was mandatory for Bidders. It was optional for subcontractors to Bidders. Pre-Bid Presentation | Pre-Bid Sign-in Sheets

Bidders must be pre-qualified for this package. Currently pre-qualified trade subcontractors for this package are:

  • Synergy Project Management
  • Trinet Construction
  • M. Hernandez Construction
  • J. Flores Construction
  • P&J Utility
  • Shaw Pipeline
  • Pacific Underground
  • Con-Quest Construction
  • Cal-State Constructors
  • M Squared Construction (added 11/8/10)
  • Precision Engineering, Inc. (added 11/8/10)

Bidders who are not pre-qualified may submit qualification packages to Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture no later than 10 business days prior to the Bid Due Date. Bids from unqualified bidders at the time of bid opening will be returned unopened. Qualification application documents are posted below.

Funding for this work is provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Federal economic stimulus program; ARRA requirements include providing monthly jobs reports.

Attached Files No. of Files: 15
Click titles below to download
Bid Tabulation 17KB .pdf Posted 11/22/10
Questions & Answers 505KB .pdf Posted 11/5/10
Addendum No. 3 Cover Letter (revised specs available from Ford Graphics;
documents noted below as Rev C are from Addendum No. 3
88KB .pdf Posted 11/9/10
Addendum No. 2 Cover Letter (revised plans/specs available from Ford Graphics;
documents noted below as Rev B are from Addendum No. 2
52KB .pdf Posted 11/3/10
Addendum No. 1 Cover Letter (revised qualification due date;
documents noted below as Rev A are from Addendum No. 1
52KB .pdf Posted 10/28/10
Invitation for Bid Cover Letter 54KB .pdf Posted 10/13/10
Project Bidding Manual (Rev B) 226KB .pdf Posted 11/3/10
Exhibit A (Rev C – Revised Bid Form only) 198KB .pdf Posted 11/9/10
Exhibit A (Rev B) 240KB .pdf Posted 11/3/10
Subcontract and Exhibits B through I (Rev B) 2822KB .pdf Posted 11/3/10
Plan Holders List 9KB .pdf Posted 10/21/10
Plan Room List 33KB .pdf Posted 10/13/10
Advertisement 13KB .pdf Posted 10/13/10
Request for Qualifications 145KB .pdf Posted 10/13/10
Previous Q&A regarding Utility Relocation RFQ 26KB .pdf Posted 10/13/10

For notification of updates, contractors are encouraged to register on the TJPA’s website. However, all contractors are solely responsible for ensuring the receipt of any and all addenda, and should therefore check the website before submitting their Bids to ensure receipt of all addenda, and to ensure their bids respond to any such addenda.