Phase 2 Right of Way Appraisals

Request for Proposals for Right of Way Appraisal Services

The Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) for APPRAISAL SERVICES (Services) for the Transbay Transit Center Program from firms or individuals with expertise in real estate appraisals.  The appraisal information is sought to assist TJPA in developing an updated budget for the Downtown Extension (DTX).  The scope of work includes providing estimates (based on the current market) to purchase all properties in the property list below that are identified for full or partial take.  The TJPA will update the estimate at the time of acquisition.  The scope also includes providing estimates for properties that require either easements and/or vacancy during construction, as described in the scope of work provided below.

Proposals must be received by the TJPA no later than 3:00 pm Pacific Time on Thursday, September 15, 2016 at the following address:

Transbay Joint Powers Authority
201 Mission Street, Suite 2100
San Francisco, CA 94105

Reponses to this RFP that are not received by the time and date specified shall be deemed non-responsive and may be rejected without consideration.  The chosen respondent will be required to enter into a professional services agreement substantially in the form provided below.

[Note: Proposers are encouraged to Register on the TJPA’s website to be alerted when changes and new documents are added]

Download Documents No. of Files: 4
Document (Click to Download) File Size & Type Date Posted
Phase 2 Right of Way Appraisals Services Questions and Answers 25 KB .pdf 9/7/2016
Scope of Work, including Property List 110 KB .pdf 8/23/2016
Map 465 KB .pdf 8/23/2016
Model Professional Services Agreement 137 KB .pdf 8/23/2016
Key RFP Dates
RFP Issued Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Deadline for Submission of Questions Monday, September 6, 2016, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time
Proposals Due Thursday, September 15, 2016, 3:00 p.m. Pacific Time