Contract Grow Trees

Bid Type: Construction
Bid Number: TG13.4
Bid Title: Contract Grow Trees
Bid Due Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Time Due: 2:00 p.m.
Estimated Value: $2 million

Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks responses to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and concurrent Invitation for Bids (IFB) from Subcontractors interested in bidding the TG13.4 Contract Grow Trees Services on the contract for the Transbay Transit Center (TTC) Project located in San Francisco, California. Bidders that have already pre-qualified do not need to respond to the RFQ.

Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Subcontractors that have significant experience with sourcing, securing and providing off-site maintenance for trees designated as contract grow or requiring an acclimatization period on complex projects including the coordination and procurement of their respective systems.

Bid Plans and Specifications may be purchased via ARC – Northern California PlanWell, (415) 495-8700. Other package documents, including the Project Bidding Manual, are posted below.

A Pre-bid Conference for Bidders interested in submitting bids was held on Wednesday, November 12, 2014, at 2:00 p.m., at Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture’s project office at 175 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA 94105. Attendance at the pre-bid conference was optional but highly encouraged.
Pre-Bid Presentation | Pre-Bid Sign-in Sheets

Bidders must be qualified to bid this package. Currently the qualified bidders are:

  • Exotic Flora Landscape & Nursery, Inc.
  • Marina Landscape, Inc.
  • Valley Crest Landscape Development, Inc.

Pre-Qualified Bidders Contact List for TG13.4 (as of October 22, 2014)

If a Bidder is not pre-qualified, the Bidder shall submit one (1) original and four (4) copies of their Qualification requirements in sealed envelopes addressed to: Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture at 175 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 by 2:00 pm Pacific Time on Friday, November 7, 2014. Second-tier subcontractors do not need to respond to the RFQ. Bidders will be notified of their qualification status by Friday, November 14, 2014. Bids submitted by non-qualified Bidders will not be accepted or opened. Non-qualified Bidders assume all risk and costs associated with submitting a bid if they are deemed not qualified. Qualification application documents are posted below.

There is no SBE subcontracting goal for this package. However, TJPA strongly encourages SBE participation on all contracts. Second-tier subcontractors do not need to respond to this RFQ, regardless of SBE status. An SBE is defined in the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) Board Policy No. 15, Small Business Enterprise Program.

No bid is accepted and no contract in excess of $400,000 is awarded by the TJPA until the TJPA Board of Directors approves the award. All contract awards are subject to certification by the TJPA Chief Financial Officer as to the availability of funds. If Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture chooses to recommend any of the TG13.4 Contract Grow Trees Package contract work to the TJPA for its approval, the Subcontractor will be asked to comply with all TJPA contract requirements. Minimum wage rates for this Project must comply with the current General Prevailing Wage as determined by the State Department of Industrial Relations. Minimum wage rates other than those applicable to General Prevailing Wage must comply with San Francisco Administrative Code, Chapter 12P, Minimum Compensation Ordinance. The Specifications include liquidated damages. Contract will be on a Lump Sum basis. Progressive payments will be made. More detail on each of these items is included in the IFB documents.

Each Bidder shall submit sealed bids to the TJPA offices at 201 Mission Street, Suite 2100, San Francisco, California 94105 by 2:00 pm Pacific Time on Tuesday, December 16, 2014.

Attached Files No. of Files: 19
Click titles below to download
TG13.4 Bid Tabulation 14 KB .pdf Posted 12/17/14
Editable QBD Form 18 KB .docx Posted 10/22/14
Questions & Answers Set 951 KB .pdf Posted 12/8/14
IFB Questions & Answers Set from Pre-Bid Q & A Meeting TG13.4 48 KB .pdf Posted 11/24/14
Preconstruction RFI’s Update (Dated November 4, 2014) 257 KB .pdf Updated 12/2/14
Addendum #1 Cover Letter TG13.4 (Documents noted below as Addendum #1 are updated in this Addendum; revised plans/specs available from ARC-Northern California PlanWell) 1,136 KB .pdf Posted 12/11/14
Invitation For Bid Cover Letter TG13.4 182 KB .pdf Posted 10/22/14
Project Bidding Manual (Addendum #1; Rev. 28, Dated December 8, 2014) 774 KB .pdf Posted 12/11/14
Exhibit A TG13.4 (Addendum #1, Rev. A) 341 KB .pdf Posted 12/11/14
Long Form Subcontract TG13.4 (Addendum #1; Rev. A) 500 KB .pdf Posted 12/11/14
Exhibits B through E, G through J and U 4,913 KB .pdf Posted 10/22/14
Plan Room List (as of October 22, 2014) 165 KB .pdf Posted 10/22/14
Advertisement TG13.4 80 KB .pdf Posted 10/22/14
Questions & Answers on Qualification Documents Set #2 TG13.4 26 KB .pdf Posted 10/2/14
Questions & Answers on Qualification Documents Set #1 TG13.4 28 KB .pdf Posted 9/24/14
Addendum #2 Cover Letter – TG13.4 Contract Grow Trees RFQ ( 100 KB .pdf 9/25/14
Addendum #1 Cover Letter – TG13.4 Contract Grow Trees RFQ ( 96 KB .pdf 9/17/14
Request for Qualifications TG13.4 Contract Grow Trees (Addendum #2, Rev. B) 514 KB .pdf 9/25/14
TG13.4 Contract Grow Trees Advertisement 11 KB .pdf 8/26/14
Key IFB Dates
Bid Package Issued Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Qualifications Due (for non-prequalified) Friday, November 7, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
Pre-Bid Conference Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Notification of Qualification (for non-prequalified) Friday, November 14, 2014
Pre-bid Request for Substitution Due Thursday, November 20, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
Questions/Clarifications (QBD) Due Thursday, November 20, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
Value Engineering (VE) Proposals Due Tuesday, December 2, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
VE Proposals Review December 2 – 15, 2014
Bid Packages Due Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
Public Bid Opening Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
Protest Period December 16, 2014, (2:00 p.m.) – December 23, 2014, (2:00 p.m.)
Notification of Intention to Award Contract December 24, 2014
TJPA Board Vote to Approve Contract Award Thursday, January 8, 2015 (January TJPA Board Meeting)

For notification of updates, contractors are encouraged to register on the TJPA’s website. However, all contractors are solely responsible for ensuring the receipt of any and all addenda, questions on bid documents, applicable pre-construction RFIs and should therefore check the website before submitting their Qualifications and Bids to ensure receipt of all listed documents, and to ensure their qualififications and bids respond to any such documents.