Monique Hawn, Superintendent, Turner Construction

FacesMoniqueMonique Hawn, superintendent for Turner Construction, is one of the many people that moves the Transbay Transit Center project forward every day. As a superintendent, Monique leads teams of crew members on various aspects of construction on the Transbay site. She also helps manage community outreach in the area, helping ensure minimal impact to project neighbors during construction.

Her background in construction is extensive having worked on many projects such as the CSU San Jose dorms, the Sacramento Airport, and the Solano Government Center. Being a woman in a male dominated field is not always easy, but she emphasizes that while there are some exceptions to the rule, on site you are primarily judged by the quality of your work and how you treat people rather than your gender.

Monique tells us that the most important thing she will take away from this project is the journey itself and all the experiences she’s had. She has enjoyed watching all the components of such a complex project come together – from the engineering and construction to the public art and overall vision for the new Transit Center. Her outreach work has helped her get to know the surrounding community and appreciate the impact a project of this magnitude will have for decades to come.